Volume 51, Issue 4 | December 1990

Author Title
David Quint A Reconsideration of Montaigne's Des cannibals
James Rolleston The Legacy of Idealism: Schiller, Mörike and Biedermeirer Culture
Katerina E. Bachinger The Aesthetics of Not Keeping in Step: Reading the Consumer Mobocracy of Poe's "The Devil in the Belfry" against Peacock
Mary Ann Gillies Thomas Hardy: Modernist Poet
Author Title
Lawrence M. Clopper Pamela Raabe, Imitating God: The Allegory of Faith in "Piers Plowman" B
Author Title
Brian Finney Marvin Carlson, Theatre Semiotics: Signs of Life
Author Title
Nicholas F. Radel Philip J. Finkelpearl, Court and Country Politics in the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher
Jane K. Brown Nicholas Boyle, Goethe. The Poet and the Age. Vol. 1, The Poetry of Desire (1749 - 1790)
Marvin Carlson Benjamin Bennett, Theater As Problem: Modern Drama and Its Place in Literature
Keith Cushman Brian Finney, D. H. Lawrence: "Sons and Lovers"

Modern Language Quarterly | Department of English, Box 354330 | University of Washington | Seattle, WA 98195-4430